Monday, May 17, 2010

American Craft Beer Week Events in the Boston Area

American Craft Beer Week officially started today, May 17th, and continues through May 23rd. The week commemorates small, independent craft brewers, and we, the drinkers, get to help celebrate by consuming some of America's finest craft beer. Between the American Craft Beer Week website and BeerAdvocate, I've compiled the following list of some beer events that will be going on around Boston and Massachusetts:

Rock Bottom Brewery

Between the hours of 5 and 7 P.M. from the 17th to the 19th, Rock Bottom will be giving open house tours with the brewers.

Harpoon Brewery

Harpoon Brewery will be hosting a special beer tasting on Wednesday, May 19th at the Boston brewery at 6 P.M.

Armsby Abbey Beer Geek Week

The people over at Armsby Abbey in Worcester are hosting Beer Geek Week with a killer line-up of beers. They are tapping the first beers today, Monday the 17th, and will continue to run through the full list. More info is available at the BeerAdvocate event page.

Amherst Brewing

Amherst Brewing is holding a Craft Beer Week which starts today, Monday the 17th. More information can be found at the BeerAdvocate event page.

Cape Cod Beer

Cape Cod Beer in Hyannis will be offering free brewery tours at 11 A.M. on Tuesday the 18th.

Mayflower Brewing Company

On Saturday the 22nd, Mayflower Brewing in Plymouth will be hosting a special brewery tasting with beer samples, food, and live music. The cost is $10 at the door.

Haverhill Brewery / The TAP

Haverhill Brewery and The TAP will be releasing Special Reserves and seasonal beers this week. More information to follow on their website:

For more Craft Beer Week events and information, visit the American Craft Beer Week Events page. And if I missed any that you know of, let me know and I will update the list.

Also, while I'm not sure they intended to hold this festival during American Craft Beer Week, Julio's is hosting their Spring BeerFest on Sunday, May 23nd from 1 to 4 P.M.. I've been to one of these festivals before, and it was a great time with a solid variety of beer to sample. Plus, Julio's selection is tough to beat, so you'll probably come back with some treats. More information can be found at the BeerAdvocate event page and at the Julio's website.

EDIT: Learned of another ACBW event going on, this one being hosted by the guys over at Beeriety. The event is on Thursday night, 8 P.M. at Charlie's Kitchen in Harvard Square. According to the event's page, it is co-hosted with the Boston Tumblrs group.


Unknown said...

Do you know of any bars in Boston that sell beers from Pyramid Brewery? It's a California/Washington based company...I live in WA and when my dad came to visit from Boston he was obsessed with their beers, so I was hoping to get him a gift certificate to a bar in Boston that sells Pyramid beers for Father's Day.
Thanks! Great blog.

Gareth said...

I don't believe Pyramid distributes around here, and I've never seen it at a bar or liquor store in the area. I'm not sure if Sunset Grill in Allston does gift cards, but that is a great place for people looking for new types of beer. He would definitely be able to find a range of beers equivalent or better to Pyramid there.